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Tema: hello

  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 dic, 11

    Predeterminado hello

    Hi all m8s, my real name is Richard, im 29 years old, im from Portugal, and i play rfactor a few years, i like some mods like F1, Meganes, Endurance mods,V8, etc, i would like to know if i can join in Enduracers race 13 december? i hope we can have some fun, see you all, tks and regards...

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    24 dic, 08


    Hi AxeVibe, I'm so sorry but I haven't seen your post until now.

    We organize some tournements across the year, and now DTM has began and next week we will start with WTCC. The tournements are for members only (it's necessary to pay a small account of money), but we organize events, normally on friday, and anyone can enter without paying. So you are welcome to join us in these events, they have no password at all. The only thing you must do is to download the mod and the track and enter our Events Server (IP address:

    Thanks for your interest and best regards, hope to see you in the tracks.

    "Si ves el árbol contra el que te vas a estrellar es subviraje, si solo lo sientes, sobreviraje" (Walter Röhrl)
    "No conozco la clave del éxito, pero sé que la clave del fracaso es tratar de complacer a todo el mundo" (Woody Allen)



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