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Ver modo hilado

  1. #5
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 mar, 13


    Hi there.

    You can race alone, offline against the IA opponents. That's fun, but not too much tbh, they are quite dumb but it is a good way to start. It's when you race online against other people when you really enjoy and challenge yourself.

    There is a lot of free content online for mods for rFactor 1 and 2.


    those are two examples but there are plenty of websites full of free content for both games, you ony need to search in Google. Said that, the game it's not free, although you probably could find a pirate version for rFactor online, I don't know where to look for it. Also Rfactor is quite old, Rfactor2 is old as well but not that much and still good to play in a lot of communities online.

    Other very good options would be Assetto corsa or Automobilista 2. both in Steam as well. Assetto Corsa is the most popular racing sim atm. Because this are racing simulators. If you are looking for more arcade games. maybe you should go for Project cars 2.

    Hope that helped. Again, I would go to the presentation page and tell something about me first.
    Última edición por stratman; 28/01/2023 a las 18:09



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